How to Apply
Providing micro-loans to newcomers allows them to overcome financial barriers to upgrade their skills and obtain their license or certification
Access the funds you require!
If you have already watched our introduction video, took our eligibility questionnaire, and watched the AICLF webinar, it is now time to learn more about the application process and contact your local AICLF agency.

Register with an AICLF agency in NS, NB, NL or PEI

Work with your AICLF Employment Specialist to assess your training and credential needs and develop an action plan

Complete the loan application with your AICLF Coordinator

Meet with your designated RBC Account Manager to sign loan documents if approved

Connect with your AICLF Coordinator to release funds according to your action plan

Keep your AICLF Coordinator informed about your progress and start repayment of the loan according to the set timeline with RBC and your AICLF agency